Friday, October 9, 2009

Tokyo Teachings

I believe most of the foreigners enjoy listening to Gaijin Invasion’s song ,Adam and Joe go to Tokyo and Teriyaki boyz’ Tokyo Drift Songs..especially the fast and furious …TICK TICK TICK.No wonder I am a big fan too.I’ve really wondered ,if u know how they live in Tokyo !
The fast and furious world with strangers all around,my first day in Japan ,was so interesting .
I got lost in its beauty of humane thoughts overwhelming right from a kid to an elderly grandma in Japan.I was just wondering about people bending and bowing till the knee for everything with a gratitude and smile on the face,saying ” Doamo Arigathoo Gozaimasu “ & “Yuroshiku onigaishimasu.”
“Wakarimasen,” though I was not sure about what they were telling ….
I happened to learn and enjoy the warm greetings of People here.
Thankyou and Please, ofcourse a single word which we often forget to say…but Doamo Arigathoo Gozaimasu & Yuroshiku onigaishimasu is heard all over Japan which is to be truly appreciated .Not only this but also the energetic charm in the people who don’t hesitate anytime to bow for a thankyou and please ,is a great lesson to be practiced and preached world wide.

A stranger is a friend whom we are yet to meet and I understood this after visiting Tokyo.

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